How to easily recreate a trendy and punk hairstyle

 Who doesn't know the talented choreographer Sonya Tayeh from the Fox reality show "So You Think You Can Dance". The hairstyle she always has is unique, bold and punk. See beard styles

This trendy and upbeat style began among teens in the mid-1970s, known as a pop and funky generation. They just love to be different with new fashion styles, experimenting with hair colors that set them apart from the rest of the crowd. They weren't afraid to set a bold example. They all come from a subculture that emerged in many parts of the world about thirty years ago.

Today, one of the hairstyles that has remained the most versatile ever since is punk. He's fresh and cheery and has quickly taken the top spots in teen salons and magazines for his quirky looks. The wilder and more extravagant it is, the more trendy it looks!

It's about being different. And don't be afraid to wear the style that sets you apart from the rest of the crowd. For girls, who don't want an everyday hairstyle, she would opt for these punk looks; where sober and well-groomed hair is out of the question.

There are many types of punk. Let's just focus on the popular three, that is. Original Punk, Skate Punk and Horror Punk.

Classic hairstyles, sometimes referred to as Original punk, can be sophisticated, versatile and bold. What you do with your hair makes it clear who you are. In fact, it's easier to say you're punk with your hair than your clothes because hairstyles are flexible.

Experiment with these classic punk hairstyles as you seek out the look that expresses your worldview. In this style, the hair is revived in the center with the use of the gel. Then the hair is dyed in a bright and bold color like pink, purple or green. This haircut was very common in the early punk era and preferred by many extremely adventurous bands.

The skate punk style comes with various cut hair looks. Then the hair is dyed in an irregular arrangement. It is generally a short haircut and offers a cute, naughty and cool look. Punk skateboarding is perfect for dynamic, active girls who are confident in their tastes. Kelly Osborne had worn this hairstyle. And there are plenty of hot celebrities who choose this radiant style for fun occasions.

The horror punk or Mohawk punk style is a popular style that involves shaving both sides of the head by leaving a hair band in the center and then dyeing them in different colors. If you like a more wild and gothic look, you can also sew the headband.

When you have this trendy hairstyle, it is important to take good care of your hair due to the intense use of gel, hairspray and color. You should take regular conditioning treatments to keep them healthy. If you want to keep a shaved look, frequent haircuts are needed. Also, be sure to use good quality hair sprays, hair gels, and dyes. Although punk hairstyles are suitable for all face shapes, we recommend that you try to choose something that suits your personality. Go punk today! 
