How to choose a lawyer to handle your social security disability case

 Getting social security benefits can be a long and difficult process. You work closely with your lawyer and her staff. Before hiring an attorney, you need to do your homework. The steps below will help you find the lawyer who best suits your needs. See domestic assault lawyer

1. Get as much information as you can before speaking to an attorney. Visit their website first. Is the website helpful information about the process by which you can obtain Social Security disability benefits? Or is the page only dedicated to the lawyer and her law firm? You need a lawyer who can provide helpful information and guide you through the Disability Social Security process.

2. How will you be treated when you call a law firm? Are these employees in a hurry or do they treat you like a welcome guest? Are you helpful? Are you empathic? The lawyer sets the tone for the office. The way the lawyer treats you is a good indicator of how the lawyer will treat you.

3. You should meet with an attorney in person or by phone if it is too difficult for you to get to the law firm. Did you have a choice? You must be!

4. When speaking with a lawyer, ask about her experience with social security disability cases. How long has she been doing these things? What percentage of your activity relate to social security disability cases? Some lawyers devote a fraction of their time to these cases, making it difficult for them to keep track of changes in rules and regulations. In addition, they may not be as familiar with the judges who hear these cases and ultimately decide. You should find a lawyer who will devote at least 50% of their time to handling social security disability cases.

5. Ask a lawyer how she is doing on social security issues. No lawyer wins every case, and no lawyer can guarantee a certain outcome in your case. Each case is individual and must be judged on its own facts. You want to ask this question to understand how carefully the attorney will evaluate these cases throughout the process. Disability Social Security cases won or lost based on medical evidence. Your disability attorney will need to continually review the evidence to see if they can prove your disability. If the evidence does not support the claim, a good disability attorney will let you know and will not pursue the case unless there is additional evidence. You should find an attorney with a success rate of 85% +.

6. Ask an attorney if she has litigation experience. Litigation attorneys are trained to gather evidence, present it in the courtroom, and discuss a case with a judge or jury. Social security cases with disabilities can be negotiated by an ALJ. It is helpful to have a lawyer with litigation experience to represent you in such cases.

7. Ask an attorney if she has medical or nursing training. Social security cases are won or lost based on medical evidence and evidence of physical or mental disabilities. A lawyer with medical knowledge will understand that you are disabled and better able to prepare the evidence and present it to the judge.

8. Ask a lawyer how she will handle your case. You want to know that your attorney is collecting relevant medical records throughout the process, not just prior to the ALJ hearing. In addition, your attorney should seek specific information from your health care providers about restrictions that prevent you from doing your job. Your lawyer will do this using special disability reports and illness questionnaires. These reports will help strengthen your position. If the attorney you're speaking to doesn't take these additional evidence-gathering steps, then you should continue your search. 


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